Public Lands Council
Emery County Trails Committee
Volunteer Action Form
Emery County General Plan
Land Use Legislation/Documents
- Emery County Public Land Management Act of 2019 Overview Map
- Emery County Public Land Management Act- Proposed Land Exchange Map
- S.47 Emery Bill
- Congressional Grazing Guidelines
- SUWA vs DOI Settlement Agreement
- The Swell Utah Trails Grant Application
- The Swell Utah Trails Grant- 2021 Full Guide
Federal/State Agency Contact & Info
Let’s do our part to stay healthy and to protect others. Enjoy the great outdoors and the beautiful sights on our Public Lands.
EMERY COUNTY GENERAL PLAN: To ensure greater County involvement in public land management, the County will support [public land planning and management] efforts through the Emery County Public Lands Council and the staff position of a Public Lands Administrator.
Jim Jennings – Public Lands Administrator
Physical Address: 75 East Main Castle Dale, Utah 84513
Office Phone: (435) 381 3556
Mobile: (435) 820 2063
Approximately ninety-two percent of Emery County is comprised of public land managed by federal or state agencies. County industries such as agriculture, mining, tourism, gas and oil development and recreation depend on the continued use and availability of these lands and their accompanying resources for economic growth and stability…….[federal and state] laws also specifically identify opportunities for local governments to participate in public land management decision-making processes. The County expects that federal and state agencies will consider and address the County’s concerns, interests, and objectives as stated in the County’s General Plan when fulfilling their responsibilities.
In response to these interests and concerns, the County will:
- Actively participate in all relevant State and Federal public land management decisions by serving as a cooperating agency in land use planning processes;
- Support multiple-use management by the BLM and USFS in their properly adopted management plans;
- Support continued access to natural resources including but not limited to coal, natural gas, uranium and gypsum;
- Support continued access and development of lands managed by the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA) and other state lands;
- Support responsible use of public land resources; and
- Work to preserve and maintain public land access routes as adopted in the county travel plan.