When Traveling:
- Familiarize yourself with local laws and customs. Remember, when in a foreign country, you are subject to the laws of that country.
- Make 2 photo copies of your passport identification page. Leave one at home. Carry the other in your luggage (Not with your passport).
- Leave a copy of your itinerary with family or friends at home.
- If you get in serious trouble or if your passport is lost/stolen, call the nearest U.S. Consulate.
- Verify that a family member, close relative, or friend has a valid passport you can easily contact in case of an emergency.
Visit the U. S. Department of State and it’s Bureau of Consular affairs, which includes passport services, at it’s internet site: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en.html for passport and other travel information, or call 1-202-647-5225 for recorded information on travel advisories and warnings.